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Recurring Donations to the Organization for Transformative Works



If you would like to set up an automatically recurring donation through PayPal (for example, $10 per month), please complete the form below. If you would prefer to make a one-time donation, please use our standard donations page.

If you are setting up a recurring donation and would like us to begin counting your running total toward a thank-you gift, you will receive instructions on how to select a thank-you gift in your donation receipt. Available thank-you gifts may be viewed here.

If you have questions about donating, please contact us or read our Donations and Membership FAQ. To learn more about the information the OTW collects and processes in connection with your donation and membership (if you opt to become an OTW Member), please click here. Your submission of your information on this form indicates your agreement to those Terms and Policies. 

Total Amount
every month(s) for
Your recurring contribution will be processed automatically. You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time. You will receive an email receipt for each recurring contribution.
Honoree information
If you would like to make a donation in honor of someone, or in their memory, please enter that information below.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.
Donor Information
Membership Options

When you donate US$10 or more in a single donation, you may choose to become an OTW member. Members have the right to vote in organizational elections. Membership lasts for one year from the date of the most recent qualifying donation. Therefore, if you are already a member, donating US$10 or more today will extend your membership to one year from today. By choosing to become a member you are agreeing to receive emails about OTW elections and a ballot. If you opt for a recurring donation and donate under $10 in each individual donation, you will not become an OTW member even if the total amount you donate over the course of a year is over ten dollars.